Life Lingers

Dana Jean
2 min readJan 14, 2014

Life lingers. It hangs around in my head like leftovers in the fridge.* What better to do with leftovers than pawn them off on someone else! Enjoy.

After a lifetime of being — at best — a lukewarm Catholic, I heard God’s call in the days following the earthquake in Haiti as my Haitian husband and I tried desperately to locate family. It transformed our faith, and led us to the Episcopal Church. I went from feeling like I didn’t fit in at church to knowing that building God’s Kingdom is the only work I will ever do. I have taught in Mexico and the U.S., I have built libraries in Haiti and Jamaica, and I served Outreach Director at St. Andrew’s in McKinney, Texas, where I helped launch the BlessMobile, which travels beyond the church campus to provide food and essential supplies to those in need.

I am now serving as the Director of Youth Ministries at Church of the Transfiguration where I am charged with building a strong program for youth formation, developing a corps of volunteers, creating safe space all who enter the Youth Center, and offering pastoral care to all youth.

We moved to Texas in 2011 and have three now adult children.

Thanks for reading!


Dana M. Jean

PS: This is the best you’re going to get as an “About” page. You can also follow me on Twitter @jeandanam.

* According to the Interwebs, Thomas Fuller, a “churchman” from the 1600s, is said to be the origin of the quote I reference above: Leftovers in their less visible form are called memories. Stored in the refrigerator of the mind and the cupboard of the heart. But of course the refrigerator didn’t actually exist in the 1600s, so…

Originally published at on January 14, 2014.

Updated May 2020.



Dana Jean

Life lingers. It hangs around in my head like leftovers in the fridge. What better to do with leftovers than pawn them off on someone else! Enjoy.